
Mid-Week Schedule


For our mid-week activities, we are following the Oneonta School District calendar. If the school is closed, our mid-week activities are cancelled.

Summer Schedule: No children’s activities; however, Adult Bible Study will continue to meet during the summer.

Children’s Program

6:00 p.m. – AWANA

Adult Bible Study

6:15 p.m. – Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Currently, we are looking at the Book of Jeremiah. This weeping prophet gives us an insight regarding our own calling for the kingdom of God and how we must conduct ourselves in this world. We invite you to come and join us as we dig deeper into the word of God and fulfill our calling. 


Sunday Schedule


Morning Worship Service

9:30 a.m. – Including Children’s Church
11:00 a.m. – Sunday School


Welcome To

West Oneonta Baptist Church


Our mission is to honor God by making and growing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  The West Oneonta Baptist Church and it’s community is striving to glorify Christ in our lives and share His love with others.


We will seek God’s gracious renewal


of West Oneonta Baptist Church in order to be able to bring the good news of Christ effectively to others. 

We will be a discipling church


that cultivates a heart for evangelism, and develops leaders who equip the congregation to be a witness in the community—and to the ends of the earth

We will be a gospel-shaped church


that embodies a passion for God and compassion for people

We will prioritize


healthy, loving relationships and emphasize ministries oriented toward children, youth, and families.

Join Us

Upcoming Events



Christmas Eve Service


Tue., Dec. 24 at 6:30 p.m.


Pizza Dinner for Needy Togo Students


Sat., Dec. 21 at 6:00 p.m.

WOBC will be having a dinner (pizza and salads) with Kossi Eklou. Free to attend with opportunities to support needy students in Togo so they can attend the Christian School. For more info., contact Ronald Zerbe at or (607) 434-1258.


Women's Conference


Upcoming Fall 2025



“For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”


1 John 3:11

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Our Latest Sermon


Title Description
2025.01.26 - Ailment to Life Pastor Joe Galimberti - (01/26/2025)